Twenty-five centuries ago, known as the perennial philosophy ( Perennial Philosophy ) thought the first appeared in the text .The twenty-five century, it has been stated ,and sometimes ,sometimes completely ,and in this form, sometimes in the form of long standing and well established ,endless .
Asia ,Europe almost all languages have stated this philosophy .At each higher level religious terms and beliefs also can see traces of it ,but ,in these languages and myth ,regional history and unique Canon mixed case, a highest common factor has remained unchanged, this factor can also be referred to as a pure chemical state of the perennial philosophy .
Of course ,the ultimate pure state can never use words to express .It only exists in the thinking activities ,even when the language of individual existence are transcended ,pure state of the perennial philosophy can be known .
We in the perennial philosophy core idea is found in four basic rules :one ,material and individual consciousness the phenomenon world ,namely the world of things ( to be to be the} of the of the in the world} to do do to do with} of about of about of this} ) ,animal ,even the gods ( gods ) in the world, is God ( Divine Ground ) of the show .
God in all parts of the field it has its existence ,leaving the God ,they do not exist .Two ,people not only to know God through reasoning domain ,but also beyond reasoning ,from intuition to awareness of its existence .
The current understanding that knower and known fuses in together .Three ,people have a dual nature ,one is the phenomenon of man ( extraordinary} ) ,one is eternal I ( Self ) .
The latter is intrinsic to the human ,spiritual ,is the soul of the divine spark .If one true desire, he can make himself and I together ,and thus God domain together, just like the natural and spiritual connection .
Four ,people in the life on earth is only one ultimate goal ,let oneself and eternal big me together ,get on one God domain knowledge .Here, a key concept is God ,it is not in accordance with the secular concept machinery to understand .
It is not a tangible things exist, it means we humans would not be able to understand the decision power of the universe ,its meaning is equivalent to rule or Ken Wilbur great spirit .
Perennial philosophy is the world great spiritual teachers ,philosophers ,thinkers and scientists have a view of the world ,was described as a green or universal ,because it is in the world of each period ,India ,Mexico ,China ,Japan ,Mesopotamia ,Egypt ,Germany ,plain Greece and other places ,we can find it .
Perennial philosophy is every common culture ,that is to say the human have the ability to form images ,symbols ,concepts and standards .Different cultures have different images and symbols ,but the composition of these brain structures and the structure of language ability as well as the structure itself, is universally applicable .
No matter where, its features are very similar .We very difficult to have the consensus of modern people, this phenomenon may not believe .Ellen J. watts ( Alan Watts ) a summary of related materials said: because we are almost completely unable to perceive yourself how weird ,so we can see a simple fact ,that the world has a common philosophy view of the universe .
No matter now or before 6000, regardless of the Western New Mexico or the Far East to Japan ,there are a lot of people hold the same insight ,Professor of the same basic education . The Buddha once said that analogy ,a merely satisfied in theory or by hearsay to understand the ultimate reality of philosophers ,like others who herd cattle .
Mohamed is a more popular description ,he put a is not aware of his transcendence philosophers described as a carrying a bag book donkey .Mist cloud base worry while Christianity ,Hinduism and Taoism instructors are also described that only limited to learning and analytical reasoning ridiculous arrogance .
In the perennial philosophy and moral reasoning ,contains a maximum common factor ,which in the world of the major religions have been performed .Confirmation of this truth ,today is more urgent than any other time .
As Arthur, Ralph table made ,what kind of world outlook in most of civilization into the crowd is almost always a dominant mainstream philosophy? have on psychology in .Be understood as the perennial philosophy ( Perennial Philosophy ) evergreen word is quite accurate ,because this philosophy in various cultural and age shows essentially similar many characteristics of this world view ) not only became the world from the base mist cloud anxious day Christian ,Buddhism to Taoist big wisdom traditions the core ,the great philosophers ,scientists and psychologists as well .
Therefore ,widely spread is the perennial philosophy ,either it is the history of mankind the most tremendous knowledge mistakes ,or is so far the only accurate reflection of reality .Ken Wilbur summarized the perennial philosophy the seven most important key .
One ,the divine exists .In two ,the divine will in our heart .Three ,our most people did not understand the divine ,because we are living in the sense of sin ,divided and the binary opposition between the two ,in other words ,we all live in a fallen or illusory context .
Four ,from such a situation is to follow a road of extrication .Five ,if we follow this road to the end ,the results is the regeneration ,or direct experience of the divine .In six ,thus ,evil and suffering will cease .
In seven ,and then carry out all one of the compassionate action .One ,the divine exists .Pay attention to the mystical experience said existence to direct experience as a foundation, with true spiritual experience as a foundation, not only is based on the belief ,concept ,theory or doctrine .
It is the experience that attached to the mystical experience is distinct from those who believe only religious dogma .A mystical experience is indescribable ,you can not complete description language .
Any experience such as watch the sunset ,eating a piece of cake ,listening to Bach ,you must realize, to know what it was .But we will not be concluded ,sunset ,cake ,music does not exist or is not valid .
Further ,even if the mystical experience unspeakable, it still can be conveyed .For example, judo via the teacher ,but not to the verbal expression ,spiritual practice as well ,through a spiritual master or teacher and experience .
A mystical experience not other than direct experience more really ,however, this argument does not degrade the mystical experience ,but raise them to and other experience of the same position .
In other words ,if you are against mystical experience, you also must oppose all based on experience, knowledge ,including science ,empirical study .So how can we understand it is not ecstasy ?We must be more from the experience to examine -- this is the history of the attached to the mysterious experience has been doing .
For thousands of years ,they continue to check out their experience ,their record ,so that the modern science looks like a novice general .If the union with God is a concept or hope, then it is usually a retraction of the defense mechanism ,so as to make himself no longer fear life destroyed or limited ;a personal immortal to prevent death and promise of the continuation of life .
Ken Wilbur in the garden of Eden from and universal God the two book was explained ,and the oneness of God and experience and is not a concept or hope, but directly .On the direct understanding ,can have three view mode :you can say that it is the spirit of divided Festival Double Ninth schizophrenia hallucination ,also can say it is a kind of misunderstanding, or you admit it is a direct experience of the divine .
The real secret of experience and dogmatic religious belief is just the opposite ,it is very scientific ,because it depends on the direct experience of evidence and trial ?Attention to mystical experience requirements you can not be trusted with any one thing ,they want you to your awareness and experience in a series of experiments .
Your heart is in your lab ,and retreat is your experiment .Wait until you try ,the result of experiment is compared with others .From these prove mutual knowledge ,you got some spiritual laws ,you can be referred to as the spiritual truth .
The first rule is :God exists .In two ,the divine will in our heart .God is in our hearts, we have a universe .Attach importance to mystical experience most alarming message is :at your core ,you are god .
Strictly speaking ,he is not included ,nor in the outer - because the divine beyond all the binary opposition between the two .You can always look within ,until the inner outside becoming .
Sing praise Upanishads ( Chandogya Upanishad ) is one of the most famous evergreen truth : your life is not aware it is not great ,but it does exist .All life has its really me, your life is the essence of the fine .
The invisible fine essence ,the entire universe of divinity .It is really is not great ,it is true ,but you is it . You it. -- Tat tvam ASI ,you are God ,here you is not a reference to the isolated self or personal ,or a gentleman ,a lady .
In fact ,personal or private I is a limit to our realization of identity . You are here , you means you deepest or top part, namely sing praise the Upanishads say can beyond ego ,make your direct experience of spiritual fine essence .
Judaism is called Rua ( ruach ) ,it is everyone spiritual ,rather than individual private I the application ( nefesh ) .Mist cloud base worry while Christianity called the spirit as the Holy Spirit ( pneuma ) ,rather than the individual soul or spirit ( Psyche ) ,the latter at best only will worship god .
As Kumara Masters ( Coomaraswamy ) said, to distinguish between a person immortal spiritual and his personal private I ,is the perennial philosophy the main core ,also only through such explanation ,to understand the basic mist cloud while doc said about a curious remark : unless he resented his soul ,otherwise he wouldn a real matrix mist cloud day Christians .
Just beyond your will destroy the soul, find immortal spirit .St Paul said : I ,but alive and not me ,but my heart radical mist cloud anxious while doc . St Paul discovered his true I, and then with the medium thick clouds and mist about one day .
This is I took his ego or lower levels of ego ,his soul or spirit .Your Rua or your foundation is supreme is not really great ,but not you . The application or private I .
If you think your little private I was God, then you ,you may be suffering from mental branch Festival Double Ninth crack problems .This is not the world philosophers and wise men have to say the divine .
Three ,our most people did not understand the divine ,because we are living in the sense of sin ,divided and the binary opposition between the two ,in other words ,we all live in a fallen or illusory context .
If I had and that God is one ,why can understand this point ?Why don people find God in our hearts ?Something makes me separate from God .Why would I fall ?What is our sin ?Different religious traditions have given many different answers ,but they all have one thing in common :I don me and God is one ,because I was in front of me aware of the ongoing activities of the disorder .
In front of this activity ,in short ,is focused on the personal or private me .Our awareness is not open ,relaxed and centered on God ,but closed ,tight and self-centered .Because I so agree with the tightening of the self ,so I can my true identity ,then the natural person will then fall, live in sin and divine separation .
This world out of me ,put all the external as and my own life opposite to each other, such life is not one of the universe and the divine ,it seems to have been completely isolated in the flesh in the prison wall .
I put myself in the main body and the external object separately, and then the world as conflicting things ,such as pain and joy ,good and evil ,true and false ,and so on .According to the perennial philosophy view, was manipulated by tightening self awareness is unable to perceive really is does not have the phase, there is not really great phase refers to the Supreme divinity .
In other words ,the so-called original sin refers to this festival Double Ninth split out of the tightening of the self .Sin is not a self do ,but refers to the self existence itself .
The tightening of the isolated self ,unable to recognize his own divinity ,therefore has a very sharp ,short branch Festival Double Ninth ,crack and sensory deprivation .In other words ,the festival double ninth branch crack out self from born to feel the pain and degradation .
Pain is not a thing in person personally ,it is the birthright of things . Original sin , pain and ego ,refers to the tightening or be split awareness .You can the self from the misery ,the Buddha once said : if you want to stop pain ,must stop the self activity .
The binary opposition between the two world is fallen world ,and sin is each of us the tightening of the self .Not only orient attention so that a mystical experience ,even the attention from the Western mystical experience also to sin and hell attributed to divide Festival Double Ninth split out the ego ,attributed to this festival Double Ninth split out the ego and its no love desire ,escape and persistent .
Oriental religions ,particularly Hinduism and Buddhism ,really emphasize the ego reincarnation ,while you are in the Catholic Church ,the Gnostics ,radical mist cloud anxious day Christian Quaker ,Jewish Kabbala sect (Kab balistic ) and Islamic mystical experience on judgments ,can see the same theme .
In eighteenth Century Britain based mist cloud anxious attention while Christian mystical experience ,work of William ( William Law ) said: truth contained in the following this short sentence :all the evil curse ,death ,and hell ,the ego state .
All the narcissism ,self-esteem and self searching activity ,our soul and God separated, into the eternal death and hell . Islam attaches importance to mystical experience of Rumi ( Jalaluddin Rumi ) said : if you have never seen the devil ,so have a look of your self ,and you will understand .
Sophie saints Abbey ,Hayeer (Abi Khayr ) also said: hell only self ,no heaven and only me . Theologian Zeman Nika ( Germanica ) explained based mist cloud anxious attention while Christian mystical experience :the opinions of hell and no fire is burning ,burning only self .
The or the individual soul, Sanskrit is called a sweat Mukala ( ahamkara ) ,meaning node or crunch .The two opposite or self-centered tightening awareness ,is our fallen cause .
Four ,from such a situation is to follow a road of extrication .A road can reverse this corrupt and cruel ,and open the illusion knot .In other words ,the perennial philosophy fourth focuses :path ( to be to be the} Path ) is there -- if we can correctly follow this path ,it can bring us from falling to liberation from samsara ,guide to Nirvana ,from hell to heaven .
As Prati Kniss ( Plofinus ) said : from loneliness to empty, is my promotion to me . Liberation is composed of several paths .For example, Hinduism has five main road or Yoga ( ) ,yoga means union ,a soul and the divine one way .
In English the word is synonymous with yoke ( yoke ) .Mist cloud base and anxious while said: my yoke is very simple . His meaning is my yoga is very simple . Hittite ,the Latin , zugon in Greek ,and so on ,all have the same root .
These roads are either Hindu or belong to other wisdom traditions ,basically can be divided into two main ways ,Ramdas ( Swami Ramdas ) once said : the path to liberation are two: one is to put your private I extend to infinity ,two it is reduced to nothing state of existence .
The former relies on wisdom ,the latter by devotion .The wise man said :I am God -- the truth of the universe .Devotees say :Oh !I ,God !You are everything .Of the two cases, private I can disappear .
In two ways the yogi can translate small or let ego death ,so they find or make the divine rebirth .Apparently based mist cloud anxious day Christian said surrender to God : everything you give, you all naked show ,belongs to the latter approach .
No matter what kind of method to have effect ,but must persevere .Japanese Buddhism in independent ( self-power ) and he ( other-power ) all retreat can be divided into the two types ,independence is Zen ,insight and knowledge of Yoga way ,they rely on their concentration and mindfulness to break through private I ,into the greater reality .
He is in the teacher or the power of God ,or to surrender to transform ourselves . While drawing the horse Nazun ( Ramana Maharshi ,he is regarded as the contemporary India ) also said ,there are two ways :one is to release all of who am I ? private I can through this pathway is completely removed :two is to surrender to the guru or God ,let God the collapse of private I ,this is a way .
Both of them can lift the personal feeling, let private I shine .In two ways the yogi can translate small or let ego death ,so they find or make the divine rebirth .Five ,if we follow this road to the end ,the results is the regeneration ,or direct experience of the divine .
I must die ,I can be resurrected .Different religious traditions described death and regeneration .Mist cloud base while Christianity is about to Adam and Jesus as a metaphor for the prototype .
Attach importance to mystical experience called Adam the old man or the human ,he opened the door is hell .Jesus base mist cloud anxious day are or inner man ,he opened the door is heaven .
Especially Jesus death and resurrection ,attached to the mystical experience that it is a symbol of the person death and resurrection from the stream of consciousness in the new ,the eternal destiny ,can also be treated with radical mist cloud day and have equivalent me and it .
St. Augustin ( St. Augustine ) said : God into one ,so the world people are likely to become a god . This from human to divinity ,from external to internal ,or I to my process -- Based mist cloud anxious while Christian is called metanoia ,meaning repentance and transformation repent of our sins or personal, into large I or based thin fog and cloud sad day ,so as you said : live not me ,but my heart radical mist cloud anxious while doc .
Islam on death and resurrection also have similar views . Tawbah repent , galb transformation .Biss Tammy ( al-Bistami ) is a simple conclusion : forget their own ,is to remember god .
In Hinduism and Buddhism, death and resurrection has been described as a personal spiritual death and its true nature .Hinduism is called Brahma ,Buddhism called empty .Regeneration or breakthrough moment is free or liberation .
The Lankavatara Sutra to free experience described as completely transformed the consciousness the core , transformation here refers to eliminate manufacturing branch Festival Double Ninth cleft personal habits ,gave way to the open and clear awareness .
Zen says this into satori or kensho . Ken is the true nature , sho see ,see their nature is the buddha .Ekkehardt ( Meister Eckhart ) Master said: in the breakthrough ,I found God and I are the same .
You suddenly wake up ,find your life is what you see everything .You and the universe as well as Vientiane is really one ,you not become and God or Vientiane one, you are in that state ,but not found .
With this discovery is a very strong feeling -- your ego is really dead .Zen said satori as dead ,this Hart is more direct : person soul must make their own dead . Kumara masters is so Voiceover: we must think of the death of self road, until finally understand ,our big me nothing can identify with ,so that we can be true to myself .
Ekkehardt said : only those who completely dead ,can enter the kingdom of god . Ego death is found ,the eternal .In addition we must recognize the eternal time is not sustainable ,but with no sense of time is a point ,which is also called the eternal or no sense of time now .
I don a time of eternity ,but live in the present with no sense of time .This present is before history ,evolution and continuity .I am now pure existence ,rather than continuing to eternal life ,which is a terrible idea .
In six ,thus ,evil and suffering will cease .Release and eventual freedom can be painful to cease .The Buddha said that he only taught two things ,that is the cause of pain and how to stop the pain .
The reason for the pain is a personal dedication and desire ,through meditation can transform the desires and to cease the pain .Pain is tightening the person born with ,rest pain the only way is to stop the self activity .
But this does not mean that freed after or spiritual practice will never feel pain ,fear or hurt .The feeling is there ,but they are no longer threaten your existence ,therefore no longer manufacturing problems .
You no longer identify ,exaggerated ,or were they threaten to strengthen their .On the contrary, because that be split self does not already exist ,and our big I is all that is, therefore there is no longer anything from external damage to it ,then your mind deeply to relax and unwind .
Then we will find ,no matter how strong pain ,basically it does not affect our real existence .The pain came and went ,and we have beyond understanding and harmony .A wise man will still feel the pain ,but it is no longer harm .
Wise men have been fully aware of the pain ,so full of mercy ,they have a strong desire to help those suffering serious man .In seven ,and then carry out all one of the compassionate action .
True liberation -- will have compassion ,skillful social reform act ,and will help all people liberation .Relief after the reform action is selfless service ,because we all have the same big I ,the Dharmakaya or mist cloud while the worry and the Eucharist, service to others is equivalent to the service of our own me .
Mist cloud base and anxious while once said: love your neighbor as yourself ,love . His meaning is : love your neighbour ,christian louboutin peep toe,like love you big me . Note :on the ( S the word is capitalized ) ,Hu Yinmeng and Liu Qingyan in different places are divine , soul , God .
The method .Xu Jinsheng Spirit spirit is mainly on account of the following background .In 2000 he began translating Ken Wilbur, a brief history of everything ,found the word his psychology is a very important concept in the .
It refers to the different cultures in the God , Buddha , misty clouds of sorrow and base day , science , Tao , heaven , Tai Chi Brahma ( Brahman ) ,the body ( Dharmakaya ) ,Cather ( Kether ) ,(Tao ) ,Allah ( Allah ) ,Shiva ( Shiva ) ,Aton ( Aton ) etc.
.Ken Wilbur with Spirit ( the first letter is capitalized ) this word all these claims ,and have no preference for one culture ,or the use of any one of these words ,which reflects his studies after the psychology and integral position .
Mysticism , mystic is a very important concept .Hu Yinmeng and Liu Qingyan in accordance with the general translation of the mysticism mysticism , heavy mystical experience .
Xu Jinsheng mysticism translated as , mystic translated as heavy mystical experience .This is the subject of Peking University professor Zhang Xianglong inspired .Zhang Xianglong said: translated as ,has long followed .
It is improper ,almost all or claim that are strongly opposed to any ( conceptual theory ,style and system ) to dominate and illustrate their spiritual pursuit .What they seek is beyond any ready-made concept primary experience ;in the medium thick clouds and melancholy mist while Christian ( mainly religious reform before radical mist cloud anxious while Christian and reformed Catholic ) it is with God or spirit ( Godhead ) shared experience ,in a medium thin fog cloud anxious while Christianity ,especially in traditional oriental culture ,is the source of reality ( Brahman - I ,road ,Buddha nature ) experience .
Thus, known as the s on the contrary to justice .In addition ,in today Chinese community, mysticism seems to be a strong anti-rationalism tone ,in many contexts is not a neutral ,but a negative word .
translated as mysterious experience on avoids this layer unnecessary prejudices . The so-called mystical experience ,refers to such a kind of experience ,in which people feel themselves with a higher ,deeper or more magical power contact, or even be made one ,to experience great happiness ,free ,coherence and to really .
As for the higher power is what ,according to experience the culture ,experienced and have different referents and interpretation ,for example Brahma , , radical mist cloud anxious while Doc , , a , , , , , power , chi etc.
.This unusual experience tend to experience in order to arouse ,enlightenment ,confidence and inspiration ,thus creating a spiritual new things ,as art ,religion ,philosophy ,social science ,and a new starting point .
( Zhang Xianglong : feel the ocean tides , Western mystical experience of philosophical classics total order ) and Maslow mysticism refers to a value of mystical experience tendency ,it is distinguished from the conservative ,follow the beaten track ,pragmatic tendency .
Ken Wilbur and Maslow are talking about mysticism meaning basically is consistent .Its meaning ,and Mr. Zhang Xianglong was explained by the same .Maslow more use of peak experience that is more easily accepted terminology .
He put the mystical experience as a peak experience .He also proposed Jonah complex , beyond sex to discuss this aspect of the problem .He vividly in in a less than one metre high room height ,all less than one meter five this motto to express the importance of open mind .
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