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It is there that her family and friends will gather to remember a favorite daughter who burst onto the global music scene in the mid-1980s, never forgetting where she came from. Houston was the third and youngest child born, on August 9, 1963, to gospel great Cissy Houston and her late husband John, an entertainment executive and former Army serviceman. The couple raised their brood in what has been described as a strict but loving household in middle-class East Orange, New Jersey, where the family moved in 1967 following six days of riots in Newark tied to a police incident involving a black cabdriver. To her neighbors and childhood friends, Houston was known affectionately by her nickname "Nippy" and for the angelic, powerful voice she shared with them during Sunday worship services.

New Jersey's outspoken governor Chris Christie, meanwhile, was forced to defend his decision to have flags in the state flown at half-staff on Saturday following complaints. "What I would say to everybody is there but for the grace of God go I," he said,toms shoes outlet, according to . Christie brushed aside complaints that Houston, who struggled with drug and alcohol addiction during her life, is not deserving of such reverence.

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  中新网4月22日电 据香港《大公报》22日报道,意大利托斯卡纳一个养鸡场被狐狸袭击,所有的母鸡被吃光,小公鸡詹尼失去了整个“后宫”,突然自动“变性”,几天后不但每天生鸡蛋,还会孵鸡蛋。

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  据新华社电 德国一家电台6日说,该台一名主持人不间断主持节目一星期以上,打破世界纪录。

  法新社报道,这名主持是现年26岁的多米尼克・舍尔迈尔,供职于汉诺威市私立电台Hit Radio。至6日结束时,他连续主持广播节目169小时,超过原来的纪录1小时。老纪录由一名印度主持人保持。按照规定,冲击纪录过程中,buy christian louboutin,舍尔迈尔可连续播放两首歌曲,长度不得超过6分钟,但之后必须在电波中“现声”。他每小时可休息5分钟,但他在全过程中屡屡选择连续主持3小时后休息15分钟。电台网站上的公共博客说,由于缺乏睡眠,舍尔迈尔出现一些异常反应。最后几个小时,他一度在直播间内疯狂起舞。

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  福州新闻网讯 15日傍晚,陈女士买了一个火龙果,回家切开,只见里面滚出两粒圆圆的东西。陈女士以为是果核,拿刀一拍,mulberry color,“果核”里竟流出蛋黄和血丝,原来这是两粒动物的蛋。

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  新华网长沙5月3日电(记者苏晓洲) 5月1日,湖南省株洲市第二医院女护士何遥查看病房时,无端被一名病人打得头破血流,摔倒在地。但当她看到情绪失控的病人欲爬窗跳楼时,却强忍伤痛冲上去,和闻讯赶来的人一道将身体已经悬空的病人救了下来。何遥的事迹,在当地引发了社会广泛的好评和热议。


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